
Thanks to Ellie!
This is a collection of blog posts in English, usually previously published on the multilingual Kalles kyrkliga kommentarer.
I do not allow anonymity on my blogs, since those who are legitimate should have no problem in showing their face (or at least, their pseudonyms). Neither do I, for that matter, allow disrespectful comments. All of these will remain unpublished.
[...] homosexuality had been observed in no fewer than 1,500 species, and well documented in 500 of them. [...] “There are things that are more contrary to nature than homosexuality, things humans alone do — such as having religion or sleeping in pyjamas.”The same piece of news was also published and discussed in e.g. Helsingin Sanomat and Vasabladet.
Baasland velger å søke avskjed sommeren 2009 (kirken.no 10.12.08)
– Vanskelig å være biskop under konkursbehandling (Vårt Land 10.12.08)
Norwegian bishop bankrupted by son's Internet gambling debt (ENI 11.12.08)
– Er ikke du rik og berømt? (Aftenbladet 11.12.08)
Spelskulder tvingar norsk biskop avgå (Kyrkans Tidning 12.12.08)
I must say that he looks like a safe pair of hands and that the faith in the Northern Lands is secure as long as K is around to keep the inhabitants in order.Thank you, that is heartwarming - especially as my hands don't even appear in the photo!
Boikotter prest for homosyn (Romsdals Budstikke 28.11.08)
Oppfordrer til boikott av presten i Bud (Stavanger Aftenblad 28.11.08)
Kirkeboikott etter homobråk (VG 28.11.08)
Homo-ja gir misjon-nei (NRK 28.11.08)
Boikottes for homosyn (Adresseavisen 28.11.08)
Vil boikotte prest (Vårt Land 28.11.08)
Präst bojkottas på grund av homosyn (Vasabladet 28.11.08)
Präst bojkottas - är för positiv till homosexuella (Dagen 28.11.08)
Religionsfrihet vs. Yttrandefrihet (Grovarbetare Rosenqvist 28.11.08)
- Glade for å ha ham her (Romsdals Budstikke 29.11.08)
Støtter preste-boikott (Romsdals Budstikke 1.12.08)
Konservativ, men støtter Sindre (Romsdals Budstikke 1.12.08)
Slo ring rundt presten (Romsdals Budstikke 1.12.08)
Homo-engasjement fylte kyrkjene (NRK 1.12.08)
Sandell i farten igen (Kalle kyrkliga kommentarer 19.6.08)
Pastor gets warning for abortion video (Karl's comments 5.9.08)
Charges filed against Sandell (Karl's comments 10.9.08)
Sandell åtalas ej för abortvideo (YLE 10.11.08)
Förundersökningen läggs ner (Kyrkpressen 10.11.08)
Inget brott visa abortfilm (STT/FNB through Vasabladet 10.11.08)
Sandell åtalas inte för abortvideo (Hufvudstadsbladet 10.11.08)
Aborttivideon näyttämisestä ei nosteta syytettä (Kotimaa 10.11.08)
Arga demonstranter häcklade Sverige (TT through Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter and Sydsvenskan 10.11.08)The former pastor Ted Haggard, who was caught doing men and drugs two years ago, entered three weeks of reparative therapy and claimed to have been cured of his homosexual leanings. Very efficient therapy, apparently. He now works as an insurance salesman, but is back in Colorado Springs. In November, he preached a sermon in a church in Illinois, so the pulpit still has its lure, apparently.
Nyhet: Antihomopastor anklagas för homosex (Kalles kyrkliga kommentarer 3.11.06)
Haggard fick sparken (Kalles kyrkliga kommentarer 5.11.06)
Haggard kommenteras (Kalles kyrkliga kommentarer 5.11.06)
Haggard i JT (Kalles kyrkliga kommentarer 27.11.06)
Haggards "pojkvän" i polisförhör (Kalles kyrkliga kommentarer 28.11.06)
Uppdateringar: Rohadi, Vammala, Haggard (Kalles kyrkliga kommentarer 1.8.08)
Disgraced pastor Ted Haggard claims he was abused as a child (PinkNews 13.11.08)
Ted Haggard: "Jag blev sexuellt utnyttjad som barn" (Dagen 13.11.08)
Haggard bounces back after gay hustler scandal (AP through 365gay 24.11.08)
Stellenbosch, South Africa (ENI). A South African student has won top honours in a competition run by a Netherlands newspaper for a sermon, written in Dutch, on doubt. Almatine Leene, a 24-year-old doctoral student in the Faculty of Theology at Stellenbosch University, whose mother tongue is Afrikaans, entered the competition hosted by the Dutch newspaper, Nederlands Dagblad. The other two finalists were Maarten Trimp, aged 22, from Utrecht, and Hanna Blom-Yoo, who is 26, from Amsterdam. The final leg of the competition took place on 12 November in Utrecht's historic Jacobi church, when the finalists preached their sermons. Leene said the Book of Judges from the Bible had inspired her winning sermon.It's good that people give good sermons, of course - but to compete? Why not a competition to see who is best at celebrating the Lord's Supper, while they're at it?
Alexander McCall Smith: The Good Husband of Zebra Drive. Edinburgh 2007.Having heard so many good things about Alexander McCall Smith's books about the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency in Gaborone, Botswana and its proprietor, Mma Ramotswe, I became curious. Finally, I was able to find one book in the series in the local library here in Porvoo. They are available in the local book stores as well, of course, but usually in translations. And out of principle, I always read books in the original language, if possible. Luckily, McCall Smith writes in English and not in Setswana... The book I found, The Good Husband of Zebra Drive, is the eighth book in this particular series (there is a ninth, and a tenth is due to be published in 2009). Not having read the others (yet!), I cannot compare them, but this was an absolutely charming novel. To my European eyes, the African setting seemed genuine - and McCall Smith was born in 1948 in Rhodesia (present-day Zimbabwe) and has worked in Botswana, so why shouldn't it be?
Påstått valfusk utreds i Borgå (Borgåbladet 7.11.08)
Valnämndsmedlemmar i Borgå anmälda (YLE 10.11.08)
Salailu ja kaksoiselämä ovat olleet elämäni raskaimpia ja surullisimpia asioita. [...] Nyt viimein uskallan antaa luvan naiseudelle, joka on ollut minussa aina.As most courageous decisions, this one, too, will have repercussions. The bishop of the local diocese of Mikkeli, Voitto Huotari, says that although no laws are broken, a parish priest (let alone a vicar) changing his or her sex would be so confusing to the parishioners that it would get in the way of the real message. This is, I suppose sadly, a realistic assessment. Bishop Huotari draws the conclusion, that Aalto would have to change jobs. Aalto herself doesn't quite agree. Nor do I, although I understand the argument. Even if Aalto makes people confused and forces them (by her very existence) to confront their own prejudices, that is not grounds for dismissal - neither legally (to which all agree) nor in practice!
("Secrecy and living a double life have been the hardest and saddest things of my life. At last, I dare permit me the femininity, that always has been in me.")
[...] Björkstrand [...] håller med om att ett könsbyte inte inverkar på arbetsförmågan.Aalto will change her name from Olli to Marja-Sisko. There is a support group for her on Facebook.
– Frågan är hur församlingen reagerar. Det är viktigt att församlingen har förtroende för kyrkoherden för att den skall kunna fungera.
("Björkstrand agrees that a sex-change doesn't affect a person's capacity to work.
- The question is how the parish reacts. In order for the parish to work, it is important that it has confidence in its vicar.")
Itäsuomalainen kirkkoherra vaihtaa sukupuolta (pod.fi 10.11.08)
Kirkkoherra vaihtaa sukupuolta (Iltalehti 10.11.08)
Kirkkoherralta vaihtuisi sukupuolen lisäksi työ (Länsi-Savo 10.11.08)
Papin ura tyssäsi sukupuolen vaihtoon (Savon Sanomat 10.11.08)
Imatran kirkkoherra vaihtaa sukupuoltaan talven aikana (Uutisvuoksi 11.11.08)
Imatralla kohu kirkkoherran sukupuolenkorjauksesta (YLE 11.11.08)
Imatran kirkkoherra korjaa sukupuoltaan (Kauppalehti 11.11.08)
Kyrkoherde måste avgå på grund av könsbyte (Hufvudstadsbladet 11.11.08)
Osäker karriär för könsbytande präst (Vasabladet 11.11.08)
Sukupuolta vaihtava pappi ei irtisanoudu vielä (Savon Sanomat 11.11.08)
Kirkkoherra vaihtaa sukupuoltaan (Kotimaa 11.11.08)
Yhteys-liikkeeltä tuenilmaus Imatran kirkkoherralle (Kotimaa 11.11.08)
Kirkkoherran sukupuolenvaihdos: Ollista tulee Marja-Sisko (Aamulehti 12.11.08)
Prästen Olli byter kön och blir Marja-Sisko (Hufvudstadsbladet 12.11.08)
Transsexuell präst skapar huvudbry (QX 12.11.08)
Rytsy: Kirkolla ongelmia naiseuden kanssa (Savon Sanomat 13.11.08)
Lyckat försök med elektronisk röstning (YLE 26.10.08)
Röster försvann vid elektronisk röstning (YLE 28.10.08)
Tuovinen välsignade lesbiskt par (Kalles kyrkliga kommentarer 8.8.08)
Tuovinen blessed a lesbian couple (Karl's comments 18.8.08)
Uppdateringar: Koivisto, Phelps, Tuovinen (Kalles kyrkliga kommentarer 1.9.08)
Prosten Tuovinen frikändes (Kyrkpressen 30.9.08)
Protokollet i fallet Tuovinen publicerat (Kyrkpressen 1.10.08)
Tuovinens bönestund som video (Kyrkpressen 3.10.08)
Frågetecknen hopar sig kring bönestunden (Kyrkpressen 7.10.08)
Ny klagan i fallet Tuovinen (Kyrkpressen 13.10.08)
Espoon kapituliin kanneltiin jälleen (Kotimaa 14.10.08)
"Välsigna inte samkönade par" (Kyrkpressen 13.10.08)
Myös piispa Heikasta uusi kantelu kapituliin (Kotimaa 21.10.08)
Kapituli hylkäsi myös uudet Heikkaa ja Tuovista koskevat kantelut (Kotimaa 30.10.08)
Klagomålet förkastat (Kyrkpressen 31.10.08)
Moral of the story: To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.Lesson Number Two
Moral of the story: Bullshit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there.Lesson Number Three
The morals of this story are:In summary:
1) Not everyone who drops shit on you is your enemy.
2) Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend.
3) And when you're in deep shit, keep your mouth shut.
* Odyssey
Harold S. Kushner: When Bad Things Happen to Good People (New York 1981) 164 p.In 1963, Rabbi Harold Kushner had a son, Aaron, who suffered from progeria, "rapid aging". He was never to grow much beyond a metre in height, would be completely hairless, look like an old man already in childhood, and die in his early teens. Aaron Kushner did, in fact, die in 1977, two days after his fourteenth birthday.
The facts of life and death are neutral. We, by our responses, give suffering either a positive or a negative meaning. [...] If suffering and death in someone close to us bring us to explore the limits of our capacity for strength and love and cheerfulness, if it leads us to discover sources of consolation we never knew before, then we make the person into a witness for the affirmation of life rather than its rejection.Kushner here refers to the German theologian Dorothee Sölle (1929-2003). I have been in ministry for over a decade now. I have seen sorrow and joy in close quarters. I myself have had to deal with the deaths of loved ones and with my own serious illnesses. Yet, this thin book has given me new insights and answers to questions that have tormented me. I read it with many tears and with much recognition. Rabbi Kushner is a Jew, of course, and not a Christian, but he has helped me, both personally and professionally, in ways that no Christian book has been able to - it's not that they were bad, but this is better.
"Som att visa pornografi för minderåriga" (Hufvudstadsbladet 8.9.08)
Aborttivideon näyttäneestä papista tutkintapyyntö poliisille (Kotimaa 8.9.08)
Vihdin poliisi tutkii aborttivideon (Kotimaa 8.9.08)
Sandell polisanmäld (Kyrkpressen 8.9.08)
Kaplan fick anmärkning av biskopen (Nya Åland 8.9.08)
Aborttifilmin näyttäneestä papista tutkintapyyntö poliisille (STT through Etelä-Suomen Sanomat, Iltalehti and Ilta-Sanomat 8.9.08)
Halvar Sandell polisanmäld (YLE Nyheter 8.9.08)
Sandells straff (Anja Kuusisto's editorial in Åbo Underrättelser 8.9.08)
Halvar Sandell polisanmäld (Österbottens Tidning 8.9.08)
Polisen utreder abortfilmen (Hufvudstadsbladet 9.9.08)
Vichtispolisen inleder förundersökning (Kyrkpressen 9.9.08)
Förundersökning inleds mot Halvar Sandell (Vasabladet 9.9.08)
Förundersökning om abortvideo (YLE Nyheter 9.9.08)
Disciplinärt förfarande i församlingen 4 (Kalles kyrkliga kommentarer 18.7.06)
Ingen sakramental gemenskap? (Kalles kyrkliga kommentarer 3.9.07)
Sandell i farten igen (Kalles kyrkliga kommentarer 19.6.08)
Biskopen gav kaplan Sandell skriftlig anmärkning (Kyrklig tidningstjänst 4.9.08)
Sandell får skriftlig anmärkning (YLE 4.9.08)
Sandell får skriftlig anmärkning (Kyrkpressen 4.9.08)
Sandell får skriftlig anmärkning (Hufvudstadsbladet 4.9.08)
Halvar Sandell får skriftlig anmärkning för abortvideo (Vasabladet 4.9.08)
Aborttifilmin rippileirillä näyttänyt pappi sai huomautuksen piispalta (Helsingin Sanomat 4.9.08)
Präst klandras för abortfilm (Sydsvenskan 4.9.08)
Visade abortfilm för unga och kritiseras (Kyrkans Tidning 5.9.08)
Präst prickas för abortfilm (Dagen 5.9.08)
"We don't want our names or our home city published. Our mental resources are such at the moment, that we don't want to appear in front of the media with our names. There has been that much gossiping and smearing in our parish."I can understand and respect the need of discretion, but I lament it. What should by rights be a happy time in the life of two loving people, has to be kept under wraps. Gossiping is born from the need for secrecy and smearing from intolerance - and neither should have any place in a Christian community. But, alas, we Christians are only human, not angels...
Kaksi pappia rekisteröi parisuhteensa (Kotimaa 25.8.08)
Kotimaa: Kaksi pappia rekisteröi parisuhteensa (ranneliike.net, starting 26.8.08)
Dear friendsGood news, indeed! I mentioned the process last year in the post Iceland: Church blesses gay partnerships (3.12.07). See also Discrimination against same sex couples ended (GayIce.is 31.5.08) and First Gay Couple in Iceland Marries in Church (Iceland Review 27.6.08). The Box Turtle Bulletin also reports 27.6.08.
Yesterday [27.6.08] was a double celebration for us here in Iceland. Samtökin 78, the National Queer Organization, celebrated it's 30th birthday with a big celebration at the Reykjavík art museum. On the same day, a law that allows religious denominations to register partnerships if they so wish, came into action. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland is the first state church in the world to allow its priests to perform partnership registrations according to an official ritual for such events, agreed on in the last pastoral Synod. Already one couple have registered their partnership using this ritual, which is legally binding as priests in the ELCI are representatives of the state in this matter. The ritual is based on the marriage ritual already in use with slight variation in text and form. The rituals have the same status within the official rituals of the ELCI although one is for registered partnership ("staðfest samvist") and the other for marriage ("hjónaband"). Next step is to have only one word for both marriage and registered partnership; hjónaband (marriage). I'm sure that will happen in the very near future. Already people in Iceland use the word marriage when referring to registered partnerships and it's been like that for many years. Both have exactly the same legal status in every way, only separated by the forementioned words.
Love to all of you from from the small island in the north
Grétar Einarsson
'Gay' man sues Bible publishers (WorldNetDaily 9.7.08)
Gay man sues Bible publishers for $70 million (Advocate News 10.7.08)
Gay man sues Bible publishers over "homosexuality" passages (PinkNews 11.7.08)
Here comes that money they promised you (Of course, I could be wrong... 11.7.08)
More than 80 retired Northern California clergy from the United Methodist Church are offering to perform same-sex marriages, saying they want to help out active ministers who would risk more severe consequences for presiding over these ceremonies. [...]Not all, however, are retired. Those on active duty risk more, of course. But:
"We're willing to challenge the injustice and contradictions of this," said the Reverend Don Fado, retired pastor of St Mark's United Methodist Church in Sacramento. [...]
If disciplined, the clergy could be defrocked, said Fado. He believes that is unlikely.
When same-sex marriages were legalized in Massachusetts in 2004, retired Methodist clergy there began performing weddings, Fado said.
Retired clergy offer to perform gay marriages in California (The Guardian 25.6.08)
"I'm tired of being part of a church that lacks integrity," said the Rev. Janet Gollery McKeithen of Santa Monica's Church in Ocean Park, who plans to conduct weddings for two gay couples in August and September.I know how she feels... As to how this isn't such a break with Scripture and tradition after all, a pastor tells a Texas newspaper:
"I love my church, and I don't want to leave it. But I can't be part of a church that is willing to portray a God that is so hateful. I would rather be forced out."
Pastors defy United Methodist officials to conduct gay weddings (Los Angeles Times 17.7.08)
"It is our UM tradition to interpret Scripture with attention to its context and purpose," said the Rev. Sharon Rhodes-Wickett, pastor of Claremont (Calif.) United Methodist Church.And a gay blogger concludes:
"We create misunderstandings when we choose some texts to be understood as literal and others not," she said. "We once excluded women as clergy based on Scriptural authority; we once justified slave-holding based on Scripture. We're doing the same thing now with regard to homosexuality."
Wulf said the church's unity does not necessarily lie in the unanimity of practice in all things. "We are fallible human beings, and our covenant is imperfect. We all know that because we get together every four years to adjust it," he said of the church's General Conference.
"To those of us in the West who feel a calling to offer a different kind of message to same-sex couples, there is a sense in which the whole church wants to hem us in and prevent us from following that calling," Wulf said.
"... We know the world is in flux, particularly on this issue," he said. "So we do this - not as an act of disrespect to the people of Africa or the people of (other parts of the United States) - but as a way of speaking the Christian Gospel compassionately to a group of people who deal with this every day."
California United Methodists make strong pro gay rights statements (The Dallas Morning News 9.7.08)
The support of [California's] United Methodists is most welcome. As more houses of worship declare their opposition to exclusionary political efforts, this debate becomes less a battle between the Holy and the Profane and becomes better understood as an effort by a few to introduce discrimination into the state’s constitution.There's some truth in that, isn't there?
California United Methodists Support Marriage (Box Turtle Bulletin 10.7.08)
See also:
Methodists choose hypocrisy (Of course, I could be wrong... 17.7.08)
LA Times Article on Methodist Support (Box Turtle Bulletin 18.7.08)
If you only knew, my son, with how little wisdom the world is ruled.
Unitarian Universalism is a religion that, while it has Christian roots, no longer can be said to be Christian (in a theological sense), but has a creedless, non-dogmatic approach to spirituality and faith development. "Unitarians" believe God to be a single entity, as opposed to the Trinity of the Christians; "Universalism" implies that everyone will be saved in the end, i.e. there is no concept of Hell or eternal damnation.Adkisson killed two and wounded seven of those gathered for the church service, before he was wrestled to the ground. One of the two stood deliberately (heroically!) in front of the shotgun, trying to protect the rest of the congregation.
Just as many other non-Christians (and even some Christians, believe it or not!), the "UU's" are well worth our respect for their strong engagement in questions of social justice, working for the benefit of those who have least, those on the fringe of society. This has often meant activism in political causes, notably the civil rights movement, the gay rights movement, the social justice movement, and the feminist movement. In the 19th century, Unitarians and Universalists were active in abolitionism, the women's movement, the temperance movement and other social reform movements. The first six (!) presidents of the USA (Washington, J. Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, and J.Q. Adams) were what today would be called "UU's".
Some European news reports claimed that the Knoxville shooting took place in a Presbyterian church, but that is clearly a misunderstanding, probably based on the fact that there are very few "UU's" on this side of the Atlantic.
Knoxville, Tennessee:
2008 Knoxville Unitarian Universalist church shooting (Wikipedia)
Kyrkobesökare öppnade eld (Dagen 27.7.08)
Två döda i skottdrama i kyrka (Dagen 28.7.08)
Gunman Kills 2, Wounds 7 At Gay Welcoming Church (AP through 365gay 28.7.08)
Accused church shooter threatened to kill wife, himself (Knoxville News Sentinel 28.7.08)
Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity on accused shooter's reading list (Knoxville News Sentinel 28.7.08)
Two killed in gun attack on US church supportive of gay rights (PinkNews 28.7.08)
Shooter hated church's pro-gay, liberal views (AP through Advocate News 28.7.08)
Knoxville Shooter Hated "Blacks, Gays, Anyone Different" (Box Turtle Bulletin 28.7.08)
Knoxville update (Of course, I could be wrong... 28.7.08)
Police: Man Shot Churchgoers Over Liberal Views (AP through 365gay 28.7.08)
3 Wounded In Shootings At Gay-Friendly Church Improving (AP through 365gay 29.7.08)
Kyrkan som attackerades var öppet gayvänlig (Antigayretorik 29.7.08)
Hate for Liberals and Gay People Drove Gunman, Police Say (New York Times 29.7.08)
Madpriest's thought for the day after Knoxville (Of course, I could be wrong... 29.7.08)
The word on the streets (Of course, I could be wrong... 29.7.08)
Sköt ner två i USA - kyrkan var för liberal (Dagen 27.7.08)
Suspect's note cites 'liberal movement' for church attack(Knoxville News Sentinel 29.7.08)
Tenn. church shooting victims recovering (AP through Advocate News 29.7.08)
Tennessee UU Church Gunman Motivated by Hate; Shooting Leaves Trans Teen Fatherless (365gay 29.7.08)
"A Whole Lotta Ugly" in Church Shooting (Washington Post 29.7.08)
Högalid, Stockholm:
Churches vandalized for Europride involvement (The Local 30.7.08)
"Ortodoxa kristna" vandaliserade kyrka (Dagen 30.7.08)
Protest mot Högalids församlings prideengagemang (Kyrkans Tidning 30.7.08)
"Orthodox Christians" target EuroPride churches (PinkNews 30.7.08)
Terrorists - our Archbishop feels your pain (Of course, I could be wrong... 31.7.08)